– Art Education Research and Development Congress
Heidelberg | Karlsruhe 17 - 20
July 2007
University of Education Heidelberg
| University of Education Karlsruhe
Keynote speaker
Prof. PhD em. Bazon Brock, University Wuppertal, Germany
Roger M. Buergel, Director of documenta12, Kassel, Germany/Austria
Prof. PhD Kerry Freedman, Northern Illinois University,
Prof. PhD Marie-Luise Lange, University Dresden, Germany
Prof. PhD Rachel Mason, Roehampton University, London,
Great Britain
In Cooperation with Internationale
Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste [igbk], Berlin
and International Association of Art [IAA], Europe
Under the Auspices of German Commission for UNESCO [DUK],
Supported by the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research [BMBF], Bonn/Berlin, the Universities
of Education of Heidelberg and Karlsruhe and Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG.
Supported by the University of
Education Heidelberg and the University of Education